Growing up without a sister, I never fought the wars over stolen clothes or hand-me-downs. At times I was grateful to never have to share those parts of my life, but a part of me always wished for that type of relationship – where you could be ‘enemies' in one moment, and friends in the next. I love my brothers wholeheartedly, but we never got to bond over similar tastes in clothes or fighting over the bathroom mirror on those early school mornings. I always had peaceful mornings, playing my music as I did my hair and makeup without interruption. Although I don’t have this type of bond with my brothers, I came to realize why I love the women in my life so deeply – they’re the sisters I never had growing up. From surrounding myself with the most clever and witty friends, to living in a house of 5 other girls, I’ve got a taste of what sisterhood is truly like.
When my friends first started borrowing my clothes, I was hesitant to share that part of my life. I’ve spent years curating a closet that I adore every piece of; as clothes are more than just pieces of fabric, but rather physical entities of my inner self that I’ve never had to share before. As pieces were continuously borrowed, the connection I had to my clothes shifted from a personal one to one that stems from friendship.Much like how water and hair are believed to hold memories, I believe fabric to have the same effect. My closet has become a treasure chest of the memories my friends and I have made both together and apart. The memories my clothes hold intertwine all parts of my life; when the most important people in my life have worn the same shirt, although they’ve never had the chance to meet, it connects them. What was once simply a black tube top, now carries the memory of curing my hometown friend’s insecurities on a night out, along with the countless nights my housemates have worn the same top – I think I’ve actually worn it the least out of everyone. Everytime I wear this tube top, I’m blessed with the memories I’ve made as I picture the smiles it has brought to all my friends. We share our clothes and make memories to last a lifetime, while having the freedom to experiment with our fashion senses by incorporating each other’s personal styles into our own.
As though the sentimental value placed on my closet isn’t enough, the notion of a communal closet that mine has become promotes both friendship and sustainability. There is no need for my housemates and friends to purchase tops similar to ones I own, as they know they can always count on me when they wish to borrow something – as I know I can do the same. Although they always say they’ll buy their own each time a piece of my clothing is returned, the part of me that longed for a sister wishes they never do.